Serious Business

If you are in a home, Christian or otherwise, and you are suffering abuse from a man who forces you to "submit", we most strongly recommend you talk to Christians for Biblical Equality and get contact details for a church or counsellor in your area.

Do not delay.

It may be a matter of life or death.

Cathie and Dick Clark Kroeger

by Graham Clinton

The late Cathie and Dick were a modern day Priscilla and Aquilla.

Certainly no slouch in his own right, Dick supported Cathie through her doctoral studies and her pioneering ministry.

Cathie Kroeger

Your editor's nomination for Woman of the 20th Century

I met Cathie in London in the mid nineties, soon after I Suffer not a Woman was published. I had waited years for some proper scholarship on the hitherto problematic passage of 1 Timothy 2:8-15, so understandably I had to learn more.

I spent some time with the Kroegers both when they were in England and whenever I was on Cape Cod. Their large home and property (inherited from Cathie's grandfather who acquired it through his career as a ship's captain) contained their extensive library and a collection of artifacts gathered from Cathie's archaelogical tours. A classroom was constructed as well and students from across the globe made the trek to learn biblical equality.

With the encouragement of England's Elaine Storkey, Cathie founded Christians for Biblical Equality (CBE).

CBE is the best source of information and support for those who are serious about knowing and acting upon what the Bible actually teaches about male/female roles and relationships.

Christians for Biblical Equality Home

One very valuable resource CBE provides is a directory of Christian counsellors who are committed to equality. This is more than important for women in need of counselling. You may or may not be surprised to learn that many women who have suffered from domestic abuse have been told by their "Christian counsellors" (and, sadly, their pastors) to return to their abusive homes and "submit" to their partners where the abuse will be ongoing.

Women are in real danger of being turned into "Stepford Wives" if they put themselves under the influence and control of the wrong counsellor (or pastor).

CBE has Chapters in many places and is expanding all the time. It is worth connecting.

If you are looking for a church to join, CBE's church directory can save you a lot of time and heartache. Don't ever (just my personal advice) even think about joining a male dominator church!

CBE has been turned over to younger and very competent management and remains the first port of call for anyone who wants to learn about equality in the Bible.

In my view, this organisation should be at the top of the list of Christian resources.

You can get to Cathie and Dick's articles via the links at the right.

(These articles are published here with the express permission from Cathie and Dick - in case you were wondering!)