Millennium Britain!

Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge

YuK! This Nation of philanderers

flirting with the Idols of Deception.

What has happened to you Britain?

Why have you gone astray?

God has blest you, even for a while.

Penny's Poetry

A great empire he bestowed upon you -

And then - in every high place on the airways

You blaspheme His Mighty Name.

You spit at those who love his ways.

You spurn his word and his commands;

Penny's Poetry

You follow those soothsayers and liars

Who show you nothing except; how to spend your money,

and feel discontented with your lot.

In the precious life God gave you,

These 'expounders' of delusion lead you to death.

Penny's Poetry

May the Millennium be a time to weep and change.

A time to open a Bible to read

about the blessings you are missing.

So that you may walk in the paths of life

Through the One true Jesus Christ.

Penny's Poetry

by Penny Chambers 28/11/1999

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