Make it Yours!

This page can be your personal door to the bible.

Even if you are not allowed to have a bible of your own, you can come here when it is safe to do so and read both the bible and bible study helps.

This page is also a good starting place if you would like to have a bible study library but have neither the money nor the space to build one.

The Bible

There is a great deal of free bible study material available on the web. A lot of it is free but a degree of caution is required because some of the material comes from theologically questionable sources. We have selected a few links which will allow visitors to download scripture and study aids for free.

Bible Gateway Home

The Bible Gateway has the Bible in various languages and a number of English versions. It has very useful search facilities as well.

e-Sword Home

e-Sword has some very useful Bible study software. Although the commentary material is not new (and so what, since much of the new material is basically the old stuff re-gurged for career and publishing business reasons!) it is still excellent for learning the Bible. And, of course, free is always a good price!

Christians for Biblical Equality Home

Regular Bible study material as well as the majority of translations do not treat women very well at all. To begin learning more about biblical male/female roles and relationships visit Christians for Biblical Equality.