
The links above lead either to a single page or to a section.

Each single page has a link back to this, the home page of the website.

Each page of each section has a link back to the first page of the section and a link to this, the home page of the website.

This makes navigation logical and easy.


It is my very very sad duty to tell anyone who looks at the website that the Editor, Graham Clinton, passed away from a massive heart attack on 11th June 2014. He was a very special person loved by many and he will be sadly missed by his son Greg, daugter Nikki, sister Ann, and myself Sue Baker, as well as many other family members and friends. A great man who will never be replaced in our hearts.

Following the untimely death of the website editor Graham Clinton, this website is in the process of being handed over to a new webmaster. Please contact us for more information.

A Very Warm Welcome!

First and foremost this is a  Christian CHRISTIAN

Followers of Jesus in the New Testament did not call themselves "Christians". This name was given to them, probably in derision, by people antagonistic to anyone who followed Jesus. Another derisory term used was "followers of the way".

Followers of Jesus called themselves "disciples" or "saints".

"Disciple" meant a person who is taught, or in the process of being taught.

"Saint" meant a person set apart or separated from the bad practices of this world.

Pliny, the governor of Pontus/Bithynia from 111 to 113AD wrote this about Christians in a letter to the Emperor Trajan:

"However, they assured me that the main of their fault, or of their mistake was this:-That they were wont, on a stated day, to meet together before it was light, and to sing a hymn to Christ, as to a god, alternately; and to oblige themselves by a sacrament [or oath], not to do anything that was ill: but that they would commit no theft, or pilfering, or adultery; that they would not break their promises, or deny what was deposited with them, when it was required back again; after which it was their custom to depart, and to meet again at a common but innocent meal - -."

Being set apart because one was a disciple of Jesus was an act of the will and of the mind, in stark contrast to the values of the contemporary culture. Not a passive or wimpy thing - not then and not now!

Much later, "Saint" was twisted and distorted to refer to someone who achieves some kind of holiness. This is far, far different from its first use (as above) which was as a title used by and for people who were disciples of Jesus.

It is worth keeping in mind that from the time the title was twisted and distorted until now, there has not been such a thing as a holy "Saint". Never has been, never will be.

We who are disciples of Jesus are just sinners saved by grace.

You are cordially invited to join us.

website and we realize that some visitors may not be Christians and may live in parts of the world where being a Christian is dangerous. So before we get to the intellectual stuff we offer these invitations:

Women and Children

Pundits (mostly men) are fond of telling us the first casualty of war is truth.

This claim is itself blatantly not true.

The first casualties of war are women and girls (and boys to a lesser extent). I'm sure you know the details all too well.

The world's population is growing rapidly. Markets are now global. Greed has become a virtue - and plunder has become greed's tool of choice. Greed, plunder and the accompanying brutality have pushed aside role models of decent males. The visibility of decent male role models is decreasing exponentially. The plight of women and girls is dreadful and getting worse by the minute.

This is made all the worse by vested interests and their political puppets. Here in the west it is not greatly helped by the justice industry. In fact, more often than not the justice industry is more a part of the problem than it is a part of the solution.

Similarly, male dominator Christianity (sadly the majority) inhibits real justice and mercy.

We think more Christians need to get involved in solutions and for this we recommend three worthy organisations:

Christians for Biblical Equality. This is the place where you can learn what the Bible really says about male/female roles and relationships.

The A21 Campaign. This is an organisation working against the trafficking of human beings. There are many ways for you to get involved.

She is Safe works to prevent, rescue and restore women and girls from abuse and exploitation in high risk places around the world, equipping them to build a life of freedom, faith and a strong future. This organisation is well worth supporting and learning from.

Your editor is of the opinion that more can be done beyond participating in and supporting organisations, as worthy and helpful as they may be. The reality is that the vast majority of trafficked women and girls are never freed.

Have a look at the underground railway that assisted slaves in the United States to escape to Canada. Both individuals and churches were part of the railway, but no one had the complete picture in order to maintain secrecy.

I mention this because there is a tendency for some Christians to believe the state should be doing our work. Beware of such people. As a cautionary example, police in many parts of the world have been found to be users of women trafficked into the sex trade. You would not want to ask them for help!

Trafficked women and girls (and boys too, but mostly women and girls) need courageous assistance from believers. You, or you and some Christian friends, may be able to help one or two women or girls to escape. However, they will need serious help in escaping and serious help in recovering and staying free. The law may not be on your side if you get involved. And like much of the Christian life there may well be a personal cost.

But if you feel something inside you saying you could and should help, then don't wait and don't be put off.

If you are not a Christian but want to become one we invite you to go to Becoming a Christian

The Intelligent Christian is not an academic website but one that might help to activate Christian minds and assist Christian thinking. The Intelligent Christian is the result of discussions among a global network of Christians whose IQs put them in the top two percent of the population. The intent is to focus upon the application of intelligence within and from the Christian community and to provide a place where some of our group can express themselves.

We would like this website to be a kind of virtual reading room for thinking Christians (and others) to come, settle in and think. We offer some tools that may help this process and we share some results of our own thinking. Several high IQ Christians have their own sections (Use the Our Writers link on the left). It will be instantly obvious that this is not a homogeneous collection of Christian thinkers!

But this website is also a place where thinking Christians can share with the world the results of their thinking. Thinking is a never-ending process and it may be worth checking back from time to time to follow the thoughts of each contributor.